Welcome to the first (of hopefully a regular) of the News Collider, a roundup of interesting tit bits and news to come out of the table top gaming world in the last few weeks. In this round up we go back to look at some older news you may have missed as we look at a new Blood Bowl video game, shiny screenshots from the Space Hulk conversion, a shiny new board game from Gale Force Nine and a Warmachine deck building game.
Blood Bowl: Star Coach
Hey sport fans, Cyanide, developers of the PC Blood Bowl game have announced a new Blood Bowl management game called Blood Bowl: Star Coach. It will involve hiring and firing star players for your team and developing a playbook. The one disappointment is that this isn’t a digital version of the rather fun Blood Bowl: Team Manager card game but any Blood Bowl is good.Space Hulk Screenshots
Sticking with Games Workshop as RockPaperShotgun have got their hands on some juicy screenshots of the new Space Hulk video game. It’s looking true to the original board game and that 40k style is evident. Space Hulk looks like its going to be pretty faithful to the 3rd edition game and is coming out on PC, Mac and iOS.Based on the "Sin of Damnation" campaign from the 3rd edition board game, Space Hulk includes a robust 12 mission single-player and co-operative campaign. Recreating the tense battles of the board game, multiplayer mode will allow players to go head-to-head as one player controls the Space Marines and their opponent the Genestealers, in the ultimate fight for domination. Cross platform functionality in multiplayer mode allows players to compete against friends whether they play on PC, Mac or mobile. The Space Hulk level editor will enable players to design their own levels, share them with others online and in a central hub explore creations of the community.
Firefly the Board Game
Gale Force Nine struck gold last year with their TV tie in board game of Spartacus. Well let’s hope lightning can strike twice as Gale Force Nine are developing a Firefly board game. Details are still early but the game will involve getting a ship, hiring a crew of lovable misfits and setting out into the wild frontiers of space. Shiny.High Command
The Warmachine license is pretty much underused compared to a lot of other miniature games. Privateer Press are starting to expand the horizons with the Iron Kingdoms and now with High Command a combat orientated deck building game in the Warmachine setting. The deck building arena is getting pretty crowded and hopefully High Command can do something fresh with the format.
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