A Game of Thrones the board game review
It’s the best time of the year, I don't mean Christmas with it’s over indulgence and prezzies. I don't mean the summer when it’s one of the five days in the UK calendar where it’s brave enough to sit outside without waders. I mean it’s that time again when Game of Thrones is on the telly box and we can revel in the delights of smart mouthed dwarves, incest, violence and so many northern English accents you're surprised you can’t see a flat cap and a whippet. Do you want to replicate the feel of Game of Thrones in your own living room, far away from a rainy Ireland or a freezing Norway? Of course you do and that’s why you need A Game of Thrones The board game.
The last few News Colliders have all been about video games but that’s not why we’re here. No we prefer our games cut from card and prefer to sit opposite our opponent and look them straight in the eye so this news collection has some news on actual games.