Redacted Board Game Preview
Can I interest you in a Ferrero Rocher? [redacted] is a game of spies and bluffing about to hit Kickstarter. The ambassador is holding one hell of a party but you’re not interested idle chit-chat and hazelnut chocolates, you’re here to get the top secret dossier out of the building.
Rise of the Kage ninja boardgame news
GCT Studios, creators of the beautiful looking Bushido miniatures game, have announced their very first boardgame in the form of Rise of the Kage. Designed for 2 to 4 players, Rise of the Kage will see players working cooperatively as a team of ninja attempting to take down the Takashi clan.
Funding Unsuccessful - your kickstarter is rubbish 

At this very moment there are over 150 active tabletop gaming projects on Kickstarter. 150! That means you need to make your project stand out. I get to look at loads of Kickstarter projects and there’s nothing worse than looking at a project and knowing that it isn’t going to fund. The game itself could be absolutely awesome but if your Kickstarter project is terrible then its chances of funding are severely reduced.

Now I’m not pretending to be some form of Kickstarter expert here, and I can’t promise you millions, jet skis and Kickstarter success but I do see the same mistakes happen over and over again.  Here are the top 8 mistakes I keep seeing and what you can do to fix them (I couldn’t think of two more and no number 7 won’t shock you).
Emergence Event board game rules
Megacon Games, purveyors of the Mercs miniatures game, have released the work in progress rules for their upcoming space exploration game Emergence Event.
Space Wolves Warhammer 40,000 Conquest
Warhammer 40,000 Conquest hasn’t been released yet but Fantasy Flight Games has already announced details on the first card pack for the game. Not only does it release details of the Vikings in power armour that are the Space Wolves but it also gives strong hints about how deck construction will work in the game.
Terrene Odyssey Kickstarter Interview
In this interview with Chris Solis from CGC Games, we talk about his current Kickstarter project for Terrene Odyssey, a customisable card game influenced by the random battles in Japanese RPG video games.
Battlefront Miniature Interview 
At the UK Games Expo 2014 I spoke with Joaquin Meier Battlefront miniatures where we spoke about Dust Tactics, Firefly, upcoming games from their partnership with Gale Force Nine and I make a horrible faux pas about Dust Warfare.
Prodos Game Interview
At the UK Games Expo 2014 I spoke to Rob from Prodos Games about Warzone Resurrection, the Alien vs Predator board and miniatures game and an upcoming super-secret project.

Unfortunately we had some problems with the sound, we’ve done our best to try and edit it out but there are still some issue which I apologise for.