Conan Hyborian Quests Launch Gameplay Video

Conan Hyborian Quests gameplay video 
Things are moving fast on the new tactical miniatures game Conan: Hyborian Quests. The project is due to hit Kickstarter early in 2015 and to tease you more than a muscled man in a loin cloth is a video of the game in action.

Recorded at Essen Spiel 2014, the video gives a very in depth run through of the mechanics of the game but is still an early prototype, so the pretty miniatures we've been seeing on the Conan Facebook page aren't to be seen.

 There are quite a few games around at the moment that are following this tactical miniature game hybrid. Games like Fireteam Zero and Shadows of Brimstone have already hit the table and we're expecting more details soon on Twisted and The Others, details on both these games have gone a bit quiet.

So far I'm very impressed with what Monolith is doing with Conan, with videos like this they're emphasising the gameplay over the miniatures, something which I wish more miniature based Kickstarter projects would do.

Does Conan Hyborian Quests look like something you'd back?
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