Guardians of Eden

Guardians of Eden 
There’s a werewolf fighting a dinosaur. I’ll say that again in case you didn’t quite catch it or see the images, there is a werewolf fighting a dinosaur. And that’s all we really know about Guardians of Eden, well maybe a little bit more.

Prodos Games broke the news that they were working with Word Forge Games to develop Guardians of Eden on Christmas Eve (what is it with UK games companies breaking news over Christmas, Modiphius broke their news on Christmas Day). Very little was said on that day except for said picture of a werewolf fighting a dinosaur.

After receiving over 100 likes in less than a day on the Guardians of Eden Facebook page, WFG came clean and announced some details of the game, and this is where the project gets really intriguing. Guardians of Eden will be a “Role Playing Board Game”, a combination of adventure board game and role playing game. What is more the age range has been set for 8+ with the aim being that parents can use the game to introduce their kids into rpgs (Forge World Games used the unfortunate term ‘Dads teach Lads’).

It looks like the aim is to develop a larger IP because the details also outline the release of a novel to go with the game, which will tell the story of the alternative reality setting from the point of view of a 12 year old boy and 20 something reporter.

There aren’t more details than this at the moment but I’m sure since Prodos are involved we’ll be looking at miniatures and possibly a Kickstarter?

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