Privateer Press haven’t been shy with the details. The game will include 40 different figures and the models shown so far look really good and could conceivably used in Warmachine and Hordes. For the players are four main characters, an alchemist, a gun-mage, a trollkin warrior and a tiny goblin jack marshal who comes with his own warjack!
With just this announcement Privateer Press have got my attention and won me over. Alchemists and trollkin may end up being quite generic but I love the idea of a gun-mage as a playable character and I think everyone is going to fight over who plays the goblin mechanic. Straight away the game has separated itself from the competition and made it distinct to the Iron kingdoms setting.
The game will be based around seven chapters, with players gaining experience points based on monsters killed and completing the chapter’s goal. Unsurprisingly, you’ll then be able to trade in these XP to boost your character with new feats and abilities. Privateer Press are touting that there are a myriad of options available making each player’s character unique.
The main mechanics appear to be heavily based on Warmachine’s, a similar system is used in the Iron Kingdoms Roleplaying Game, and so it means that players of either game should be able to pick up the rules fairly quickly. It’s a very strong set of mechanics and should serve the game well.
There are a lot of miniature based board games coming out this year, or hybrid games as I called them in my feature about the games to look forward to in 2015, but is the Iron Kingdoms setting enough to separate The Undercity from the pack? I think the quality of Privateer Press’s miniatures may be enough to at least get people’s interest but the quality of the enemy AI mechanics is going to be the deciding factor.
The Undercity is due out in Autumn (Fall) 2015.

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