At Airecon 2020 Polyhedron Collider recorded a live session of our unique brand of board game banter but because we couldn’t be bothered preparing any notes we let the audience choose the topics for the show.

Andy, Jon and Steve talk about beginners advice for new Dungeons and Dragons dungeon masters, leaving the Cyclons out of Battlestar Galactica and what games to bring to a convention.

To celebrate the launch of the Kickstarter for Dark Ages, the new game from Adam KwapiƄski, designer of Lords of Hellas and Nemesis, we are launching a very special competition in association with our god friends at Board & Dice.
Polyhedron Collider Episode 80: Noctiluca, Horrified and Port Royal

The HMS Polyhedron Collider is still at sea without a full crew, and without its trusty navigator Andy, Jon and Steve drifted into dangerous waffle waters. But never fear our intrepid crew are still able to keep things ship shape with a hold full of table top gaming chat.

After picking over the depleted news stores we take set sail for the black lagoon in Horrified, catch jellyfish in Noctiluca and hire a capable crew in Port Royal

Board Game News Collider Mythic Odyssey of Theros DnD Sourcebook leaked revealedTales from the loop TV show trailer Baldurs GAte 3 trailer Plaid Hat Games goes independent.

Step right up and get all your tabletop RPG based news here!  
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The latest and best board, card and RPG News of the last 7 days!
In this week's News Collider we also have video game tie in news, TV show ti-in news, we also ponder why Amazon can not keep a secret and what the likely impacts of the coronavirus are on the board game industry.