The Polyhedron Collider Cast Episode 124 - DnD OGL, Tiletum, and QE

Its back to the regular format, and we kick things off with an in depth look into the D&D OGL debacle, before trying to work out what the hell is going on in Tiletum, and printing money in QE.

Warning: This podcast contains strong language and adult content.

Time Stamps

00:12:46 Scythe Expeditions 

00:17:16 Sub Terra II

00:25:54 Dungeons & Dragons

00:44:37 Tiletum

01:08:10 QE

 Intro and Outro Music: "Ouroboros" Kevin MacLeod (
"NewsSting" Kevin MacLeod (
Jon's Played a Game theme: "Zazie" by Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
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