Polyhedron Collider Episode 147 - Carpe Diem, Salton Sean, and Sea, Salt & Paper

Episode 147 - Carpe Diem, Salton Sean, and Sea, Salt & Paper

The boys from the Collider waste little time in the latest episode of the Collider Cast and get straight to business discussing the clever but hideously ugly Carpe Diem by Stefan Feld on which both Andy and Rory agree upon, for a change. Steve talks us through the deeply satisfying, if not mentally taxing and beautifully pastel Salton Sea from Devir Games. Sid and Rory chime in with their two cents of their experience of that and Sea, Salt and Paper that they'd enjoyed on a work day bunk at the Games Den.

The episode wraps with some burning questions from the bag bag, such as Bacon of Sausage Sarnie.

Why not buy a board game from our sponsors Kienda: kienda.co.uk/polyhedroncollider

Warning: This podcast contains strong language and adult
Time Stamps

00:04:12 Carpe Diem

00:19:20 Salton Sea

00:46:32 Sea Salt & Paper

00:58:36 Questions

Intro and Outro Music: "Ouroboros" Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
"NewsSting" Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Jon's Played a Game theme: "Zazie" by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
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