Polyhedron Collider Episode - 154 Spiel Essen Preview, Set A Watch, An Age Contrived, and Nucleum

Polyhedron Collider Episode - 154 Spiel Essen Preview, Set A Watch, An Age Contrived, and Nucleum

Join Steve, Andy, Sid and Rory for a jam packed episode of board game reviews, a special Essen Spiel preview and more Ramshackle Nonsense than you’ve come to love and expect.   

“I’m the Branston’s pickle in this ginger bread sandwich” - I mean, where else are you going to find tabletop commentary like that, eh?

The boys make camp on their way to face off against the big bad in a review of Set A Watch: Forsaken Isles.  Build some fancy magnetic monuments in an Age Contrived before jumping on a train  full of radioactive material in Nucleum before spending a good chunk of this episode gushing about all of the lovely games available to (finally) buy and demo and this year’s Essen Spiele.

Warning: This podcast contains strong language and adult content.

00:02:46 Set A Watch: Forsaken Isles
00:18:55 An Age Contrived
00:33:58 Nucleum

Essen Preview:
00:46:20 Revenant
00:49:02 Tir na NOg
00:52:57  Polaris
00:55:52 The bit where Andy said “Rory’s right”
00:56:35 Flatiron
00:59:32 Nucleum: Court of Progress
01:01:18 Get Salty
01:03:32 Rock Hard 1977
01:04:58 Bantam West
01:08:10 Chandrigah
01:10:30 Civolution
01:12:44 Escape from New York. Andromeda's Edge, and Undaunted 2200: Callisto
01:14:58 Pampero
01:18:15 Baghdad: The City of Peace

Intro and Outro Music: "Ouroboros" Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
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