Kickstarter Highlights 9th July

Kickstarter Highlights - Dice Hospital Expansion Community Care,Crypt X, Pret A Porter, Talespire Hot Projects Campaigns

With Gencon looming on the not-too-distant horizon the flow of Kickstarters seems to be abating.  A little.  But that is not to say there isn't anything worth your consideration on the crowd funding platform.  No!  far from it, bringing you the cream of the crop, this week's Kickstarter Highlights are campaigns that the Polyhedron Collider Crew have their eye's on.

Now with campaign ending dates (so that Rory doesn't get blamed for Steve and Andy missing future campaigns)


Kickstarter Highlights - Pret a Porter

There aren't many game about the fashion industry, so in that regard, Prêt-à-Porter stands out a little.  beyond the theme however this is a pretty damn serious economic Euro game.  What's more, this is the third edition of the game featuring cracking new art (obviously, its a game that is all about how things look")  from Kwanchai Moriya (Dinosaur Island, Catacombs, Bosk).

As a fashion magnate you'll be looking to hire models, accountants, designers, as well as opening design agencies and brand stores all in preparation for the quarterly fashion show.  The game is ruthlessly competitive and could be considered a "nasty Euro".

Campaign Ends July 22nd

Dice Hospital Community Care

Kickstarter Highlights - Dice Hospital Expansion Communtuty Care

Dice Hospital has one of the highest accolades in the board gaming world, namely; the PHC Four-For-Four.  In other words, we all own it.  We all love it.

The games' first proper expansion comes in the shape of Community Care which is three "smaller" expansions in one box.  Please note the very deliberate use of quotes on smaller.  Although the additional components are few, the added depth, complexity and richness they lend to the base game is anything but small.

You can read the full review of these expansions for more information here  

Campaign Ends 24th July

Crypt X

Kickstarter Highlights - Crypt X

Crypt X looks to be an evolution of the escape room games and games like The Awakening.  This is an app driven, narrative puzzle game.  The game is made up of 51 separate puzzles which makes up the notes left by a famed archaeology professor (no, I don't think it's Indiana Jones).  As their student you ''ll need to solve  an array of ciphers and codes, piece together pieces of the puzzles to explore and advance through the narrative.  With each unlocking you'l unravel another part of the story, and another piece of the puzzle.

Campaign Ends 18th July 


Kickstarter Highlights - Talespire

It's not about the table, it'a about the people and the worlds and the imagination that spring to life between them.

Talespire is looking to bring the gap that exists in real life between role playing gamers, allowing them to come together of a virtual, interactive and dynamic tabletop.  The idea being to put miniatures, buildings, terrain and of course dice into a virtual space, but with a more immersive system than things like Roll20 allow.  Three dimensions viewing, animations, and sound effects are just the beginning.  If you play any RPG online or want to play RPGs but struggle to physically get together with other players then you simply have to look at this project.

Campaign Ends 8th August

Fateforge: a 5th Edition Roleplaying Game

Kickstarter Highlights - Fateforge

Lets be honest, if you’re a role playing game player, and more importantly a Dungeons and Dragons 5th edition player, then you are more spoilt than you have ever been. It seems that every other week another book is released for D&D 5E and not of all of it is coming from Wizards of the Coast. I must admit I get a feeling of child-like glee at almost every one I see, and that glee is approaching “5 year old looking forward to Christmas” levels as I look at Fateforge.

Fateforge is a complete new campaign setting for 5th edition Dungeons and Dragons. Not only is it a fleshed out new world to explore, but it also comes with new player options and a whole book of new magic! All of these new rules are modular, so players can mix and match what they want, and allows the game mechanics to be tweaked based on the kind of game you want to play, with special rules for a variety of campaign styles.

As a further incentive to back, Fateforge has been developed by the team behind Shadows of Esteren, so this certainly isn’t their first rodeo. It promises to be a rich and deep setting and is already jam packed with some beautiful artwork and amazing maps.

Want to have an early taste? Well the Fateforge Player’s Guide is available for free on DriveThrRPG .

Campaign ends July 18th

Lest we forget, there are a host of other games still live on Kickstarter that we've talked about in last week's Kickstarter Highlights:
Kickstarter Highlights Dwellings of Eldervale, Eternal Adversary, Middara, On the Undergrund, Roll PLayer, Super Fantasy Brawl, Secret Spy Agency


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