Did you know that Obsidian Entertainment, the people behind games like Knights of the Old Republic 2, Fallout New Vegas and South Park the Stick of Truth, are making a digital version of Pathfinder the Adventure Card Game? Well there are and we have some tasty screenshots of the upcoming game.
Pathfinder the Adventure Card Game: Rise of the Runelords (which I could shorten to PtACG:RotR but that's still a gob full) made it to my list of most played games of 2014. The gameplay itself may be relatively simple but the descisions to be made and the ongoing campaign aspects are a real winner. I'm also making my way through the latest set, the Wrath of the Righteous, ready for a review that should be online in the coming weeks.
The problem with the card game is it takes a lot of setting up and tearing down. You have to build up several location decks and seed them with all kinds of loot and gribblies and it can take some considerable time, which means that this game is ripe for a digital implementation.
Simply removing the faff would be enough, but Obsidian have taken the game a step further, with cut scenes, maps and all kinds of animations. Suffice to say I am really looking forward to this.
Pathfinder the Adventure Card Game Rise of the Runelords is coming to iOS and Android later in the year. So feast your eyes on the glorious screenshots of the upcoming iOS implementation.
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