In the UK we’re a bit short on gaming conventions. It’s true we have the UK Games Expo but what are us gamers to do the other 51 weekends of the year. Don’t fear though as AireCon is here and willing to plug that gap with two days of gaming goodness.
AireCon is a table top gaming festival on the 22nd and 23rd October in Bradford. There will be board games, RPGs, card games and war games, but more importantly there will be loads of people to play all these juicy games with.
It's not a gaming convention worth its salt without some games and there are going to be plenty of games to play all weekend. Travelling Man are bringing their extensive library of games to AireCon, meaning you'll be able to hire out any of their games to play for a small deposit.You can use it as a chance to play that one game you've been dying to play or maybe you don't fancy lugging your board game collection ont our failing public transport system.
There's also going to be a variety of playtest and demo sessions, meaning you will get the chance to play a game before its release and your feedback can help shape its future.
AireCon are also running giant games of Two Rooms and a Boom and a Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes on giant screens.
Games for Sale
As with most cons there will be a variety of publishers, designers and stores selling their wares. We've been led to believe that Travelling Man are going on a shopping spree at Essen so you'll be able to get hold of some of the hot games, just one week after the German show closes as well as a Bring ‘n’ Buy where you might pick up a bargain.Curry and Beer
AireCon is in Bradford, a town famous for its curry house density. So why not tuck into a tasty dish as they will be delivering to the convention. Just don't get your board games and curries confused and order a Chicken Tikka Tash Kalar.Here at Polyhedron Collider we believe that a good board game is even better with a good beer. AireCon obviously has the same idea as they have had two beers brewed especially for the convention. Curry, beer and board games, sounds like the perfect Saturday night!
The entire Polyhedron Collider Cast crew will be at the show on Saturday, we don't know what are plans are yet but if you see us come say hello - just look for one of these three handsome gentlemen:Tickets are on sale now!
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