Nanty narking is an old Victorian phrase for a right good time, and that's what we're having as we give you another generous helping of tabletop gaming chat.
Jon takes on the role of News Ferret as he weasels out the latest board game news, Steve takes us through current Kickstarter games Simulation Theory, Micro Brew and Nanty Narking, and Andy just adds his usually colourful language and unique sense of perspective to proceedings.
Jon takes on the role of News Ferret as he weasels out the latest board game news, Steve takes us through current Kickstarter games Simulation Theory, Micro Brew and Nanty Narking, and Andy just adds his usually colourful language and unique sense of perspective to proceedings.
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Games Mentioned
00:04:33 Ominoes Heiroglyphs
00:06:33 Your best game ever from Monte Cook Games
00:15:51 Munchkin Dungeon Quest
00:20:22 Nemesis
00:23:52 Deep Madness
00:30:45 Planetarium
00:32:19 Keyforge
00:37:10 Tabletop Gaming Live
00:42:29 Simulation Theory
00:47:05 Trikerion
01:04:48 Micro Brew
01:16:04 Nanty Narking
Intro and Outro Music: "Ouroboros" Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
Jon's Played a Game theme: "Zazie" by Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
Jon's Played a Game theme: "Zazie" by Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
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