News Collider - Board Game News 19th November

Board Game News Collider Alexa plays Ticket To Ride, Chad Jensen Dies, CMON on the Hong Kong Sock Exchange, JR Honeycutt Accused of sexual assault, Dungeons and Dragons Sapphire Anniversary

Controversy, sadness, SkyNet Alexa taking over and more bling than even Andy can handle, the world of board game news this week is a mixed bag. 

Sapphire Anniversary D&D Dice 

Board Game News Collider Dungeons and Dragons Sapphire Anniversary Dice set

To celebrate both five years of fifth edition Dungeons & Dragons and forty-five years since D&D was first published Wizards of the Coast have created something very special this sapphire anniversary with a very limited edition set of dice.

Not just any set of dice, no.  In fact, it would be fair to say that Wizards of the Coast and Level Up Dice have gone to extreme and magnificent lengths for this anniversary gift.  Eleven precision anodized luxury aluminium dice where the highest value is replaced by an engraved D&D ampersand.  Except for one of the two D20s, which features a lab-grown inlaid sapphire.

Obviously, these dice come with a fancy display box which also includes a sequentially numbered collectors card, some stickers and even a premiere fold-out card for 5th edition adult sapphire dragon!

If you fancy grabbing a set, have your $299 set aside and order exclusively from the Wizards of the Coast website from 11 am PT or 7 pm GMT from the 21st of November.

Chad Jensen Passes Away

Board Game News Collider Chad Jensen Passes away RIP

Sadly, Chad Jensen passed away last week, as announced by his wife on BoardGameGeek after a long struggle with cancer.  After the disease took an aggressive turn, doctors realised they could do nothing further for him.  He returned home to his family and a few days later sadly passed away.

Probably best known as the designer of Dominant Species and Combat Commander, Chad had an avid fan base on BGG who earlier this year helped rais funds via to contribute towards chemotherapy.

JR Honeycutt faces allegations of sexual assault

Board Game News Collider JR Honeycutt Accused of sexual assault

Designer and developer JR Honeycutt is facing allegations of sexual assault from former girlfriend, Victoria Mann.  

Both are industry professionals and for a period of time worked together for Waitress Games and on Fireball Island from Restoration games.

CMON is on the Main Hong Kong Exchange...finally

Board Game News Collider CMON joins the Main Board of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange

They did it!  After sixteen months of failed and missed attempts, CMON is moving to the main board of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange.  Up until now, CMON has been on the GEM board (General Enterprise Market).  The GEM is predominantly used for growth companies that do not yet have the necessary proven track record.

CMON has made a number of attempts to join the main board but have either failed to provide all the necessary information on time or did not meet the requirements.  As of today (19th November) CMON will appear on the mainboard and in doing so hope to raise brand awareness and as well as increase investments and sales. 

Play Ticket To Ride against Alexa

Board Game News Collider Amazon Alexa plays Ticket to Ride

Have you ever wanted to play Ticket to Ride against a robot? about; have you ever really wanted to play Ticket to Ride but all your friends are like “What?  Why do you want to play that?”...still no?...Oh...okay…

Well, anyway, now you can.  Days of Wonder have announced that Amazon’s Alexa is fully compatible with Ticket to Ride and Ticket to Ride Europe.  Alexa can teach you the rules as you play your first game, keeping track of the longest route and number of trains remaining and all the while playing background music. Alexa can even stand in for a player when you really want to play a four-player game and you can only bribe two other people to join you.


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