Polyhedron Collider Episode 153 - Arcs, Draft & Write Records, and Dorfromantik: The Duel

In this episode of the Polyhedron Collider Podcast, Steve, Andy, and Rory break the mould and discuss a game on the bleeding edge of the tabletop gaming zeitgeist: Arcs, from Leder Games.  Andy shares his highlights from Airecon North West boardgame convention, and Steve and Rory go on tour with the band in Draft & Write Records (from Inside Up Games) before building rival romanticised county villages in Dorfromantik: The Duel, from Pegasus Spiele.

They round off the episode with some questions from the mailbag, including: what game mechanic are you rubbish at but utterly love? 

In this jam-packed episode of tabletop gaming chat, we have a few miniature painting brags to get out of the way before we delve into four in-depth board game reviews (sorry if you were hoping for some DIY or BBQ tips in this episode).  The dice-drafting, area control game, Castellans gets the Polyhedron Collider treatment, before Steve and Rory wax lyrical about the two-player cooperative game, the Spiel des Jahres game of the year winner Sky Team. We then explore and map new islands in Maps of Misterra, before sailing the high seas in search of booty in Port Royal: The Dice Game.  Finally, we delve into the mailbag to talk about AI in board games, and our biggest gaming surprise of the year.

In this jam-packed episode of tabletop gaming chat, we have a few miniature painting brags to get out of the way before we delve into four in-depth board game reviews (sorry if you were hoping for some DIY or BBQ tips in this episode).

The dice-drafting, area control game, Castellans gets the Polyhedron Collider treatment, before Steve and Rory wax lyrical about the two-player cooperative game, the Spiel des Jahres game of the year winner Sky Team. We then explore and map new islands in Maps of Misterra, before sailing the high seas in search of booty in Port Royal: The Dice Game.

Finally, we delve into the mailbag to talk about AI in board games, and our biggest gaming surprise of the year.

Polyhedron Collider Episode 151 -  Yonder, Cthulhu: Death May Die, and Achtung! Cthulhu 2D20

No, it’s not a Bisto advert, it’s Rory and Steve’s gushing review of Yonder from Sinister Fish[/company], their latest worker placement boardgame from Villagers and Moon designer Haakon Gaarder  - which is currently live on Kickstarter and absolutely worth your time checking out.

We then get all Lovecraftian with a lively discussion about Cthulhu Death May Die from CMON (and provided by show sponsor Kienda), its similarities to Mansions of Madness and whether both, or either are any good - are you Team Sid, or Team Rory?

We then move to the other end of tabletop gaming as we explore the bonkers, pulpy Achtung! Cthulhu 2D20 Starter Set from Modiphius.

Polyhedron Collider Episode 150 -  Terminus, Windmill Valley, Rebirth, and Sand

⭐Show Sponsor: Kienda

When you sign up to an account with Kienda use this link to bag yourself a wee discount and help support the show.  Let's face it, you were going to buy a board game anyway 😉

The boys from the Collider are back and they are still reeling from all the board game goodies they picked-up during the UK Games Expo - which means this is a packed episode full of reviews of the latest tabletop games. In fact there is so much to talk about, there really isn’t time to write a joke in this description.

In this latest podcast episode we build inner city trains in Terminus, grow tulips in Windmill Valley, trade spices in Sand, and re-terraform Scotland in Rebirth.

Polyhedron Collider Episode 149 - The Best of UK Games Expo 2024

UK Games Expo 2024 has come to an end, and we are completely knackered! But that won't stop us talking about the amazing board games, tabletop roleplaying games, and miniatures we saw at the Birmingham NEC. Join us as we make some dubious awards!

Why not buy a board game from our sponsors Kienda: kienda.co.uk/polyhedroncollider
Polyhedron Collider Live at UK Games Expo 2024

Recorded live at UK  Games Expo 2024, the boys talk about the board games that have got their attention from this years show, as well as eclairs, sore losing, and our old mate Ron Dell. 

Find out more about the UK Games Expo at https://www.ukgamesexpo.co.uk/

Polyhedron Collider Episode 148 - The UK Games Expo 2024 Preview

The UK Games Expo will be hitting the Birmingham NEC between Friday 31 May and Sunday 2 Jun 2024 and to say the boy from PHC are excited is an understatement. In this episode we go through the board games and table top roleplaying games that we are most excited to see, think about our annual miniature painting competition, and talk about the food we plan to eat!

Find out more about the UK Games Expo at https://www.ukgamesexpo.co.uk/

Polyhedron Collider Beast Board Game Review
Beast is a cunning game of escape, survival, and of course, hunting.  No matter which side of the table you are on, you will, at turns feel like everything is well within your control and going according to plan, or, moments later, feel a terrible injustice at how unfair Beast is.

Beast isn’t a fair game.  It isn’t equal and balanced, but that is kind of the whole point of it.  Balance and power in this game shift continually, ebbing and flowing as cunning and guesswork pave the way for knowledge and victory.
polyhedron Collider Salton Sea Board Game Review

Welcome to the glorious pastel Salton Sea.  On the border of California and Mexico, it is here that we shall revolutionise the energy industry by tapping into all the geothermal energy stored within our planet, extracting gallons of brine, which will be converted into lithium.  In short, we will solve the energy crisis and play a bloody good, if not utterly gruelling, board game all at the same time.
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