In a bonus episode, the boys discuss the games that were announced and released at Gen Con 2016, the world’s largest tabletop gaming convention.
Unfortunately, three cash strapped British chaps couldn’t make it to the Indianapolis convention and they spoke to someone who did, special guest Paul Grogan of Gaming Rules and Czech Game Edition (CGE).

After a refreshing break in the wilds of Scotland the Polyhedron Collider crew get back together to discuss the board games they have been playing. We talk about Scythe yet again (well it is popular) and we take an in depth look at Fluxx, Multiuniversum, Vampire Hunters and Eldritch Horror.
We also give a shout out to the Brawling Brothers for supporting our show, and an argument about a brewery start some impromptu Sean Bean impressions.

Update: Arkham Horror: The Card Game has been released and you can read our review here.
Original Article: So it looks like our prediction and the leaked images where right – not only are Fantasy Flight Games releasing another Living Card Game (LCG) this year, it’s going to be Arkham Horror.