Episode 134 - Baldurs Gate 3, Merv, Sleeping Gods

We take a healthy diversion to the world of PC gaming to discuss the phenomenal Dungeons & Dragons video game, Baldur's Gate 3. Moving on to our more traditional cardboard fayre, we discuss camels and turbans in Merv: The Heart of the Silk Road, and explore unknown worlds in Sleeping Gods.

Episode 133 - Animated, Dominant Species Marine,and the Castles of Burgandy

After a little rant about Games Workshop the boys gush about Castles of Burgundy before heading into more divisive territory discussing Disney Animated and Chilli Con Carne Recipes.  Andy tells us how much fun he has been having with Dominant Species Marine and then we round off the episode with a quick look at the Essen and Gen Con Preview lists.

Episode 132 - Terra Mystica, Wizards & Co., Dorf Romantik, Acthung! Cthulhu

Steve and Andy explore a 2012 classic: Terra Mystica, Rory and Steve explore dungeons in the upcoming Kickstarter of Wizards & Co before discussing how great Dorfromantik the Board Game is and how it feels similar but also quite different and fresh. Sid then gushes about Cthulhu Nazis in his latest RPG outing, Acthung Cthulhu 2d20 before we hit the mail bag for questions about heaby games and metal bands

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