Awesome Games Coming in 2018: Part 2 Kickstarter Arrivals

As the resident….well, I hesitate to use the term “junkie”, but it’s pretty much what the other two call me....“purchasing enthusiast” within the Polyhedron Collider walls, it seems that the majority of Kickstarters we collectively backed prior to 2018 sit squarely on my shoulders. Or perhaps I should say wallet.

In this 2nd of three articles peering into 2018’s prospects like some kind of short sighted medium (you can read Part 1: Games coming to Kickstarter here), we’ll be looking at some of the games due to arrive on our collective doorsteps this year that had campaigns concluding in 2017, or before, which are due to arrive this year. Of course, as with every Kickstarter project there may be delays, so we live in eternal hope that projects run to plan. As a former Project Manager, I can categorically tell you that it is almost never the case, but we have to put our faith somewhere. I would put it in my football team, but they’re a bit pants at the moment so Kickstarter it is.

Let the optimism begin!
Awesome Games Coming in 2018: Part 1 Kickstarter

Every year we like to put up a little preview of the games coming out over the coming twelve months. In a way this article has become easier, as companies have made an effort to start promoting their games far in advance of their release. But it's also become more difficult, as the rise of Kickstarter has meant that games that are announced hit Kickstarter and don't hit our tables for a few years, don't fund and so have to relaunch or even don't turn up on Kickstarter at all (it’s been 2 years since we mentioned Chronicles Origin and we still have no idea if that game is even coming out).

This year we’re going to do things a little differently, breaking the 2018 preview into three lists, the first (this one) will cover games that are coming to Kickstarter over the coming year (or even this week!) The second will address those games have already funded on Kickstarter (that we here at Polyhedron Collider have backed) and should be releasing over the next twelve months, and the last will be those games that publishers have announced.

Of course we can't mention every game, but here’s a slice of gaming action that everyone here at Polyhedron Collider is excited to get to the table.

Episode 36 – The Games We Are Looking Forward To In 2018

It’s the New Year, so Steve, Andy and Jon gaze into their crystal ball and look forward to the games that are coming out in 2018.  We’ll choose our top picks that are coming to Kickstarter, before looking at the games we have backed and are waiting impatiently to be delivered and those games from the big publishers that we know about.

Pegasus Spiele announce 4 new Talisman games

Did you know that Talisman will be 35 years old in 2018? No doubt there will be some jokers out there who say “yeah, and it shows”. Well did you also know that Pegasus Spiele have announced 4 new games set in the world of Talisman? Well you do now!
My Most Played Games of 2017
It’s been an odd year for me and games.  If you read my blog post about writing reviews, you will know that I moved house right at the end of 2016 and so have had some real trouble getting games to the table. This means my list of most played games is slightly different to normal.  Rather than the big heavy thematic and euro games that I would have played at my regular Worcester gaming session, gaming has been dominated by the more entry level fair, as I have played games with my wife, family and less hard-core gaming friends.

As per usual kudos must be given to Fire Broadside, who I shamelessly ripped this yearly tradition off.
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